package; import; import*; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Layout; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.AbstractAppender; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.Plugin; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginAttribute; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginElement; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginFactory; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.PatternLayout; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import static*; /** * Created by mihailo.despotovic on 4/8/15. */ @Plugin(name = "CloudWatchAppender", category = "Core", elementType = "appender", printObject = true) public class CloudWatchAppender extends AbstractAppender { private final SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd"); // aws doesn't allow ":" in stream name private static final String AWS_INSTANCE_ID; // per-instance, so static static { AWS_INSTANCE_ID = retrieveInstanceId(); } private final BlockingQueue<InputLogEvent> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(AWS_LOG_STREAM_MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH); private volatile boolean shutdown = false; private final int flushPeriodMillis; private Thread deliveryThread; private final Object monitor = new Object(); private String sequenceTokenCache = null; // aws doc: "Every PutLogEvents request must include the sequenceToken obtained from the response of the previous request. private long lastReportedTimestamp = -1; private String logGroupName; private String logStreamName; private AWSLogsClient awsLogsClient = null; private volatile boolean queueFull = false; @PluginFactory public static CloudWatchAppender createAppender(@PluginAttribute("name") String name, @PluginAttribute("awsLogGroupName") String awsLogGroupName, @PluginAttribute("awsLogStreamName") String awsLogStreamName, @PluginAttribute("awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds") String awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds, @PluginElement("Layout") Layout<Serializable> layout) { return new CloudWatchAppender( name == null ? DEFAULT_LOG_APPENDER_NAME : name, awsLogGroupName == null ? DEFAULT_AWS_LOG_GROUP_NAME : awsLogGroupName, awsLogStreamName, awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds, layout); } private CloudWatchAppender(final String name, final String awsLogGroupName, final String awsLogStreamName, final String awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds, final Layout<Serializable> layout) { super(name, null, layout == null ? PatternLayout.createDefaultLayout() : layout, false); // figure out the flush period int flushPeriod = AWS_LOG_STREAM_FLUSH_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS; if (awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds != null) { try { flushPeriod = Integer.parseInt(awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { debug("Bad awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds (" + awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds + "), defaulting to: " + AWS_LOG_STREAM_FLUSH_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS + "s"); } } else { debug("No awsLogStreamFlushPeriodInSeconds specified, defaulted to " + AWS_LOG_STREAM_FLUSH_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS + "s"); } flushPeriodMillis = flushPeriod * 1000; try { awsLogsClient = new AWSLogsClient(); // this should pull the credentials automatically from the environment // set the group name this.logGroupName = awsLogGroupName; // determine the stream name (prefix) and suffix it with the timestamp to ensure uniqueness String logStreamNamePrefix = awsLogStreamName; if (logStreamNamePrefix == null) { logStreamNamePrefix = ENV_LOG_STREAM_NAME; } if (logStreamNamePrefix == null) { logStreamNamePrefix = AWS_INSTANCE_ID; } String finalLogStreamName; do { finalLogStreamName = logStreamNamePrefix + " " + getTimeNow(); this.sequenceTokenCache = createLogGroupAndLogStreamIfNeeded(logGroupName, finalLogStreamName); } while (this.sequenceTokenCache != null); logStreamName = finalLogStreamName; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private Runnable messageProcessor = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { debug("Draining queue for " + logStreamName + " stream every " + (flushPeriodMillis / 1000) + "s..."); while (!shutdown) { try { flush(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } if (!shutdown && queue.size() < AWS_DRAIN_LIMIT) { try { synchronized (monitor) { monitor.wait(flushPeriodMillis); } } catch (InterruptedException ix) { ix.printStackTrace(); } } } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { flush(); } } }; private void flush() { int drained; final List<InputLogEvent> logEvents = new ArrayList<>(AWS_DRAIN_LIMIT); do { drained = queue.drainTo(logEvents, AWS_DRAIN_LIMIT); if (logEvents.isEmpty()) { break; } Collections.sort(logEvents, new Comparator<InputLogEvent>() { @Override public int compare(InputLogEvent o1, InputLogEvent o2) { return o1.getTimestamp().compareTo(o2.getTimestamp()); } }); if (lastReportedTimestamp > 0) { //in the off chance that the new events start with older TS than the last sent event //reset their timestamps to the last timestamp until we reach an event with //higher timestamp for (InputLogEvent event : logEvents) { if (event.getTimestamp() < lastReportedTimestamp) event.setTimestamp(lastReportedTimestamp); else break; } } lastReportedTimestamp = logEvents.get(logEvents.size() - 1).getTimestamp(); final PutLogEventsRequest putLogEventsRequest = new PutLogEventsRequest(logGroupName, logStreamName, logEvents); putLogEventsRequest.setSequenceToken(sequenceTokenCache); try { final PutLogEventsResult putLogEventsResult = awsLogsClient.putLogEvents(putLogEventsRequest); // 1 MB or 10000 messages AWS cap! sequenceTokenCache = putLogEventsResult.getNextSequenceToken(); } catch (final DataAlreadyAcceptedException daae) { debug("DataAlreadyAcceptedException, will reset the token to the expected one"); sequenceTokenCache = daae.getExpectedSequenceToken(); } catch (final InvalidSequenceTokenException iste) { debug("InvalidSequenceTokenException, will reset the token to the expected one"); sequenceTokenCache = iste.getExpectedSequenceToken(); } catch (Exception e) { debug("Error writing logs"); e.printStackTrace(); } logEvents.clear(); } while (drained >= AWS_DRAIN_LIMIT); } /** * Create AWS log event based on the log4j log event and add it to the queue. */ @Override public void append(final LogEvent event) { final InputLogEvent awsLogEvent = new InputLogEvent(); final long timestamp = event.getTimeMillis(); final String message = new String(getLayout().toByteArray(event)); awsLogEvent.setTimestamp(timestamp); awsLogEvent.setMessage(message); if (!queue.offer(awsLogEvent) && !queueFull) { debug("Log queue is full!"); queueFull = true; } else if (queueFull) queueFull = false; } /** * Create log group ans log stream if needed. * * @param logGroupName the name of the log group * @param logStreamName the name of the stream * @return sequence token for the created stream */ private String createLogGroupAndLogStreamIfNeeded(String logGroupName, String logStreamName) { final DescribeLogGroupsResult describeLogGroupsResult = awsLogsClient.describeLogGroups(new DescribeLogGroupsRequest().withLogGroupNamePrefix(logGroupName)); boolean createLogGroup = true; if (describeLogGroupsResult != null && describeLogGroupsResult.getLogGroups() != null && !describeLogGroupsResult.getLogGroups().isEmpty()) { for (final LogGroup lg : describeLogGroupsResult.getLogGroups()) { if (logGroupName.equals(lg.getLogGroupName())) { createLogGroup = false; break; } } } if (createLogGroup) { debug("Creating logGroup: " + logGroupName); final CreateLogGroupRequest createLogGroupRequest = new CreateLogGroupRequest(logGroupName); awsLogsClient.createLogGroup(createLogGroupRequest); } String logSequenceToken = null; boolean createLogStream = true; final DescribeLogStreamsRequest describeLogStreamsRequest = new DescribeLogStreamsRequest(logGroupName).withLogStreamNamePrefix(logStreamName); final DescribeLogStreamsResult describeLogStreamsResult = awsLogsClient.describeLogStreams(describeLogStreamsRequest); if (describeLogStreamsResult != null && describeLogStreamsResult.getLogStreams() != null && !describeLogStreamsResult.getLogStreams().isEmpty()) { for (final LogStream ls : describeLogStreamsResult.getLogStreams()) { if (logStreamName.equals(ls.getLogStreamName())) { createLogStream = false; logSequenceToken = ls.getUploadSequenceToken(); } } } if (createLogStream) { debug("Creating logStream: " + logStreamName); final CreateLogStreamRequest createLogStreamRequest = new CreateLogStreamRequest(logGroupName, logStreamName); awsLogsClient.createLogStream(createLogStreamRequest); } return logSequenceToken; } // tiny helper self-describing methods @Override public void start() { super.start(); debug("Starting cloudWatchAppender for: " + logGroupName + ":" + logStreamName); deliveryThread = new Thread(messageProcessor, "CloudWatchAppenderDeliveryThread"); deliveryThread.start(); } @Override public void stop() { super.stop(); shutdown = true; if (deliveryThread != null) { synchronized (monitor) { monitor.notify(); } try { deliveryThread.join(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException ix) { ix.printStackTrace(); } } if (queue.size() > 0) { flush(); } } private String getTimeNow() { return simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()); } private void debug(final String s) { System.out.println(getTimeNow() + " CloudWatchAppender: " + s); } }